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15 Best Exercises To Reduce Breast Size

Shalu Bhati , 09 Jul 23


Are you struggling with your big breasts? Would you like to reduce your breast size naturally? Then, keep reading as we tell you all about the exercise to reduce breast size.

The whole world would have you believe how appealing and attractive big breasts are. From a simple advertisement to popular music videos and big-budget movies, big breasts are highly commercialized and are being used to sell various products. This is highly problematic but today we are focusing on another aspect. We will talk about the toll big breasts can have on a woman’s body.

Excessive big size of breasts might sound appealing to the opposite sex but it is not so for the woman who has to put up with them 24*7. A big bust can lead to multiple health issues including neck pain, backache, and shoulder issues among other things. Many times, big breasts can also lead to breathing troubles. This is why more and more busty women are now looking for methods that can help them reduce excessive breast fat. And we will tell you all which is the best exercise to reduce breast size.



How To Reduce Breast Size?

We cover in detail the top reasons for large breast size along with the best options available currently to reduce breast sizes. Additionally, if one is looking for natural ways to reduce breast size then we list down all the popular exercises which are very effective.




5 Top Reasons For Big Breast Sizes

Before we tell you about the best exercise to reduce breast size, let’s first find out the various reasons behind big breast sizes.

There is always a reason behind why our body is the way it is. The same rule applies to breasts. Why do some women have enlarged breasts? Many factors influence their shape and size. Following are the top reasons for big breast sizes:


1. Hormonal Changes

This is the number one cause of increased breast size. Breasts comprise of the milk ducts and glands which get enlarged due to changes in hormones. This in turn leads to an increase in breast size. Hormones can also lead to an increase in fat deposits within the breasts. These hormonal changes are mostly seen due to puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, use of oral contraceptives, menopause, and disorders like PCOS.


2. Genetics

Just like genetics can determine the color of your eyes, the texture of your hair, and the nature of your skin, they also play a significant role in determining the breast size. This is a trait that can be influenced by both the mother’s side as well as the father’s side of the family. Sometimes, women are just born with a C-cup pre-programmed into their genes.



3. Weight

Breasts are made up of connective tissue, milk ducts, and fatty tissue. As you gain weight, the fatty tissue present in breasts also increases. This can lead to an increase in breast size. However, the weight gain has to be significant and excessive for the changes to show up in your breasts.


4. Injury

Any injury to the breast tissue can also influence its size. An injury means inflammation which is accompanied by pain. This situation is temporary and often resolves on its own.



5. Disease

Another top reason for big breast sizes is the possibility of an underlying disease. When a sudden enlargement of the breast tissue is accompanied by other symptoms like nipple discharge, swelling, pain, and lumps among other things, it can be a cause of concern. Accompanied by other symptoms, enlargement of breast size can be a sign of an underlying disease. In such a case, medical attention becomes imminent. If there are no other symptoms, you don’t have to worry.



3 Top Options To Reduce Breast Size

Breasts can change their shape and size throughout a woman’s lifetime. Even though some women like to have large breasts, some might have an opposite opinion on them. Big breasts come with their share of issues and discomforts. From neck pain to breathing troubles, big breasts can pose multiple health issues.

There are many options available now that can aid in the reduction of big breast sizes.  Following are the top options that will come to your rescue:


1. Breast Reduction Surgery

Many women now opt for breast reduction surgery. The Modern Family star, Ariel Winters went under the knife to reduce her breast size as it was causing her a lot of troubles. In this surgery, extra skin, tissue, and fat are removed from your breasts by making an incision around the nipples. It is major surgery and would require ample research on the same.


2. Exercise

If an invasive procedure is not your cup of tea, then you can always opt for natural remedies. There are many workouts to reduce breast size. Why does this work? This is because breasts are largely made of fat and exercise can have a significant impact on their size. Also, if your enlarged breast size is due to excessive weight, exercise can be your savior.  Who knew that all you need is an exercise to reduce breast size?



3. Diet

You are what you eat. Thus, the amount of fats you eat in your diet can have a direct influence on your breast size. You must consume a balanced diet and say no to processed foods if you wish to reduce your enlarged breasts. A change in diet can impact your overall body fat which would again help you with going down a few cup sizes.



15 Best Exercises To Reduce Breast Size

Surgery is not your only option. If you wish to reduce breast size naturally, you can opt for any of the following exercises. These exercises target the breast tissue as well as the muscles that surround the breasts. These workouts will not only help strengthen and tone your breasts but also get rid of excess fat thus aiding in breast size reduction.

Following are the 15 best exercises to reduce breast size:



1. Push-Ups

This is a popular and extremely effective exercise to reduce breast size. Push-ups are a great way of increasing upper body strength. They also play a major role in toning the whole body if done properly. They are very effective when it comes to reducing breast size. Push-ups attack the fat deposits and let you go down a few sizes. They can also help saggy breasts and give them a perky appearance.

How to do it:



2. Wall Press

This breast reduction exercise is not just easy but also very effective. The best thing about this exercise is that it can be done anywhere as long as there is a wall nearby. If you are new to push-ups and find them difficult, you can start by doing wall presses. They use the same mechanism as that of push-ups. But instead of the floor, you do this exercise to reduce breast size against the wall. Wall press helps in building muscle strength and burns fat quickly.

How to do it:



3. Chest Press

This is another helpful exercise to reduce breast fat. It works wonders when it comes to breast fat reduction. This exercise to reduce breast size is considered very effective as it targets the pectoral muscles. Now, these are the muscles that are located behind the breast tissue and are responsible for providing support to the breasts. Therefore, by targeting pectoral muscles, this exercise reshapes the breasts and reduces excess breast fat. it is also a great workout for improving upper body strength as well as posture.

How to do it:



4. Side Raises

This is the best exercise to reduce breast size at home. It is one of the easiest as well as one of the most effective ways to reduce breast size significantly. It not only will help you reduce your breast size but also reshape your breasts. An added benefit is the strengthening of shoulder muscles which would help improve your posture.

How to do it:



5. Shoulder Press

The shoulder press is one of the best workouts to reduce breast size. It will make you work and you will feel it too. But, don’t worry as it will also yield great results. This exercise will ensure positive breast fat reduction and also tone your breast, shoulder, and back muscles. So get up and be ready for this amazing exercise to reduce breast size for its multiple benefits.

How to do it:



6. Dumbbell Pullover

Here is another amazing exercise to reduce breast size. This effective exercise engages the whole of the chest area as well as the triceps. It will reshape, strengthen, and uplift your breasts while also reducing the excess fat in them.

How to do it:


7. Shoulder Shrugs

We usually shrug our shoulders to show our displeasure or disapproval over something. Now, this exercise might not be exactly that kind of a shrug but takes inspiration from there. A shoulder shrug is another of the best breast reduction exercise. It works by tightening and toning the muscles around the breasts. It can do so as it targets the upper trapezius muscles. With regular practice of this simple yet effective exercise, you can see a significant change in your cup size.

How to do it:



8. Upright Rows

This is yet another simple exercise to reduce breast fat. It works on the whole of the upper body taking into action everything from your shoulders to breasts to arms. It is a natural and fun way to get rid of excess breast fat. It also tones the breasts and keeps them in good shape. So, what are you waiting for? Try this wonderful exercise to reduce breast size today!

How to do it:


9. Chest Fly

Strengthen and tone your chest muscles with this amazing exercise to reduce breast size at home. This is an easy-to-do workout that also happens to be highly effective. Once you get a hang of it, you will love doing this exercise as part of your daily workout. You will see a gradual change in your breast size as doing chest flies will not just reduce the fat but also add definition to your breasts.

How to do it:


10. Bent Knee Push Up

Out of all the workouts to reduce breast size, this modified version of push-ups will blow your minds. This exercise will challenge you much more than the conventional push-ups and attack the fatty reserves on your chest. It will strengthen your upper body while reducing the excess fat in your breasts.

How to do it:



11. Bench Press

The bench press is an exercise to reduce breast size that might sound similar to chest press but in reality, it is not. Both of these exercises look similar and target the same muscles but there is a big difference in their intensity. You can even call bench press as the tougher looking cousin of a chest press. It is highly effective when it comes to reducing enlarged breasts. this is because it targets a broader area of the pectoral muscles that are responsible for supporting your breasts.

How to do it:



12. Anterior Front Raise

This is the best breast reduction exercise out there. it will not only get rid of excess fat from the whole of your upper body but also add definition to the shape of your curves.  It is a very easy, simple yet highly effective exercise to reduce breast size.

How to do it:


13. Jogging

Jogging is a kind of aerobic exercise that boosts overall fitness. It is highly effective in getting rid of overall body fat. It plays a significant role in boosting your energy as well as the metabolic rate. And since breasts are also made from fatty tissues, jogging can have a positive impact on them as well. It is easier than running but comes with similar benefits. it is a great exercise to reduce breast size while also working on the rest of your body.


14. Swimming

Swimming is yet another healthy and effective exercise to reduce breast size. Generally, swimming is considered to be one of the best cardio workouts. The resistance provided by the water ensures the swift strengthening and toning of muscles. Both the front stroke and backstroke are known to engage the shoulder as well as the chest muscles. This in turn works towards reducing the excess breast fat. Swimming is a fun and easier way to target the stubborn fat accumulated over your breasts.


15. Yoga Exercise To Reduce Breast Size

If you are a lover of yoga then we have something for you too. You can effectively use a yoga exercise to reduce breast size at home. There are a variety of poses that can help you achieve that. These poses include sun salutations, half-moon pose, bow pose, and warrior pose among others. Yoga is an effective way to strengthen and tone chest muscles. And it will help you get rid of excessive fat from your fats.





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