What Is Your Soul Symbol

What Is Your Soul Symbol?

Pooja Angurasu

Updated At  02 Aug 24

Knowing more about oneself is always fascinating. What kind of soul you are can be inferred from the soul symbol. A "soul symbol" is any of a variety of symbols that are said to embody the essence, spirit, or soul of a person or thing. Every month has a different soul symbol, and they are all distinguished by special qualities. This is where you could find out your soul symbol and learn more fascinating things about yourself. 


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1. January-Dragon

The soul symbol for January is a dragon. You are empowered with inner strength and resilience, embodying transformative energy to achieve your goals with determination. Individuals born in January possess a strong drive to succeed and are adept at managing difficult circumstances in their lives. They cannot be stopped. Learn to control your anger and everything will fall into place.

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2. February-Phoenix

The soul symbol for February is a phoenix. You have really a strong soul. With enough resilience, you can conquer any obstacle in your life. You have the creative spirit to find novel solutions to any issue. You are very aware of your own value, and it's a good idea to learn how to moderate your oversensitivity to specific situations in your life.

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3. March-Yin-Yang

The soul symbol for March is Yin-Yang. You are soul of harmony and balance. You possess a remarkable ability  to effortlessly and gracefully adjust to shifting conditions. The sweetest folks are those who were born in March. You are a master of life's balance. You show respect and equality to everyone in your vicinity. You should avoid negative people and employ greater caution in your daily life.

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4. April-Lion

The soul symbol for April is a lion. You are a brave and fearless spirit. You wish that your life would be under your control, and you are the ruler of it. You are a trustworthy and loyal individual. Being around you will always make people feel comfortable because you are so protective of them. The hardest circumstances in your life are ones that you can overcome. Thus, never give up.

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5. May-Wolf

The soul symbol for May is a wolf. You have a contented and vigilant spirit. You never look to other people for validation of your job. You are confident in who you are, and you are aware of the dangers around you.  You never put things off in your life because you have a long-term outlook on what needs to be done. You feel better when you are alone. However, try not to become fixated on loneliness.

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6. June-Fish

The soul symbol for June is a fish. You are a liberated and enjoyable person. You will always follow your heart and believe in your instincts to lead a blissful life.  You live life to the fullest and are among the happiest people on the planet. In life, freedom is what you always want more than anything else. However, accepting some responsibility for your life is crucial.

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7. July-Fire

The soul symbol for June is fire. Every aspect of your life will be driven by a burning desire to succeed. Your burning passion will help you attain your goals, whether they are related to a career, hobby, or relationship. You will never give up because of your intense drive. Only if you are passionate and in love with the things you do will you do them. However, try not to become obsessed with anything. 

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8. August-Horse

The soul symbol for August is a horse. You are an adventurous and inquisitive individual. You want to experiment and discover new things since you will be satisfied and joyful with knowledge you have obtained from them. You have a strong desire to travel the world. In terms of work-life balance, you thrive. However, taking a little pause is preferable.

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9. September-Flower

The soul symbol for September is a flower. You have a lovely and innocent heart. Everyone around you is happier because of you. Your presence will bring beauty into the lives of those you love, and you will always be there for them. You seem like an intriguing and lively individual. Your pure heart always tells you to provide cheer to others. When people see you, their eyes will gleam brighter. Never allow the hate you encounter from others to control you; your inner beauty and positive outlook will help you conquer any obstacles.

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10. October-Star

The soul symbol for October is a star. You are a beacon of wisdom for all. You will always be there to mentor and assist your family and friends in reaching their objectives. You use your wisdom in order to help others reach their objectives. Assisting and mentoring others to become the finest versions of themselves is something you are always willing to do. However, taking care of yourself and your life is recommended. 

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11. November-Tree

The soul symbol for November is a tree. You are a helping and caring soul. You are source of comfort and assistance for others in your immediate vicinity who are going through difficult times. As the largest source of support and assistance for your friends and family, you are regarded as a wonderful nurturer. By living for the people you love, you lead a giving life. However, it is not advisable to sacrifice too much for other people.

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12. December-Water

Water is the soul symbol for December. You have a really evolved personality. You possess a malleable soul that allows you to seamlessly adapt to the conditions of your life. You have the ability to be both a serene river and a tumultuous wave in your ocean. You are able to adjust to any unfavorable circumstance. You subscribe to the notion that "If there is a will, there is a way." However, never allow someone to exploit your composure.