Evil Eye Protection Symbols And Meaning

15 Evil Eye Protection Symbols And Meaning

Pooja Angurasu

Updated At  04 Jan 25

People frequently utilize the evil eye protection symbol to fight off bad energy, feel protected, and create positive energy around them. These are 15 evil eye protection symbols that come from various civilizations and have different meanings. It is said that these symbols will shield us from negativity or unfavorable energy and provide a way for us to live peaceful lives. Let's examine these 15 potent evil eye protection symbols.


15 Evil Eye Protection Symbols and Meaning




1. Hamsa

A renowned symbol throughout the Middle East and North Africa is the hamsa. The eye in the middle of the palm that represents the Hamsa symbol is believed to bring prosperity, health, tranquility, and happiness, in addition to protecting against evil. The symbols of the Hamsa are found in many religions, including Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Each of these religions gives the symbol a slightly different meaning.



2. Hecate’s Wheel

An ancient symbol connected to the Greek goddess Hecate is the wheel of Hecate. The three moon phases are represented by the tree folds in the Hecate wheel, which is also seen as a symbol of protection and direction. This symbol's spiral and labyrinth represent life's journey, personal development, and transformation.



3. Cimaruta

The symbols that make up Cimaruta are the fish, the moon, the rooster, the key, the flower, and the serpent. The moon represents femininity, intuition, and protection. The rooster is a symbol of alertness, which is thought to fend off ghosts. The key is a symbol of power and knowledge. The flower stands for safeguarding and purity. The snake is a symbol of strength and knowledge against evil powers. Fish, as a protective symbol, stand for prosperity.



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4. Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol that is used as a warning against danger and evil spirits. It is also believed to have healing properties. The Eye of Horus is associated with wholeness, wisdom, guidance, and divine protection.



5. Nazar Beads

The nazar beads, which have an eye-like shape, are thought to block the evil eye's menacing stare. It is a potent symbol of protection, signifying alertness and the ability to recognize and fend off threats. The conventional hue of nazar beads is blue, which has been recognized in many cultures as a protecting color.



6. Solar Cross

The four directions, four elements, four life phases, and four seasons that correspond to the sun's path across the sky are all represented by the solar cross symbol. It is a sign of protection that stands for harmony and balance. It connects the everlasting universe to the transient realm.


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7. Shaman’s Eye

People view the shaman's eye as a protective symbol that wards off evil spirits. This evil eye protection symbol can connect the material and spiritual worlds by communicating with ancestors, spirits, and deities. It also signifies wisdom and guidance towards hidden truths.



8. Daisy Wheel

Six overlapping circles make a floral pattern on the daisy wheel, symbolizing protection from detrimental energy. The daisy wheel represents harmony, balance, and excellence. The six overlapping rings signify the interconnectedness of everything in life.



9. Rudraksh Beads

One of the symbols of Hinduism that is spiritually associated with Lord Shiva are rudraksh beads. It is a protective symbol that protects its wearer from bad energy and promotes inner serenity. They offer mental clarity and emotional equilibrium while lowering stress and anxiety. It is believed that, when worn devotedly, it invites prosperity and success.



10. Moorish Evil Eye

Moorish evil eyes are commonly utilized as protective symbols in parts of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The primary intent of the Moorish evil eye is to shield its wearer from harmful energies like envy and jealousy. It stands for spiritual direction and the notion of being under a higher power's watchful eye.


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11. Celtic Shield Knot

The Celtic shield knot has a long history in Celtic culture and is used to ward off evil and provide protection. The continuous line stands for life's connectivity and eternity. The Celts have traditionally employed it to stave off danger. It is positioned close to those who are ill or injured to promote healing and protection.



12. Berber Evil Eye

Berbers in North Africa often employ the Berbers evil eye as a protection symbol. One of the potent symbols in Berber culture, it protects the bearer from negativity, jealously, and rivalry. It bestows blessings and abundance upon the wearer.



13. Bagua Mirror

In Chinese culture, the bagua mirror is a potent instrument for deflecting evil energies. It is possible for the mirror to be convex or concave. Negative energy is drawn in, transformed, and absorbed by the concave mirror. Negative energy is reflected and repelled from the house or area by the convex mirror, which then returns it to its original source.



14. Hem of Awe

The Helm of Awe is described in Norse mythology as having eight spiked tridents extending from a central point. Warriors frequently employ this symbol to call upon the force of protection and to terrorize their adversaries. The wearer becomes unbeatable with it on.



15. Ankh

The ankh is a cross with a loop at the top that represents a deep symbolic meaning in ancient Egyptian culture. It is a "key to life" symbol. In addition to being a potent symbol of protection, it also represents rebirth, energy, endless life, and spiritual awareness.