Best Healthy Cooking Oil

Himanshi Jain

Oils and fats are vital ingredients in our everyday diet but there exists a lot of misperception regarding healthy cooking oils in India. The oil you use in your pantry islargely dependent on where you come from. Different cultures eat differently and the type of oil fits beautifully into the food landscape of that region. Nowadays you'll find new types of oil spilling across the grocery shelves from around the world and each new bottle label brings with it a new health hope.
Cooking oil is inevitable while preparing a dish. Whether it is a salad or main course, you need to use oil. But choosing the correct cooking oil can protect you from heart diseases, cholesterol blockages, obesity and digestion problems. There are several cooking oils in the Indian market like
Rice bran oil-Itcholesterol-lowering properties and improves insulin resistance, contains natural vitamin E and squalene, which is good for the skin.
Olive oil-Olive oil contains antioxidant, reduce arthritis pain,drops the incidences of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.It helps in fighting against heart diseases.
Sunflower oil-Sunflower oil reduces cardiovascular diseases, fight free radicals especially good for cancer patients, a healthy option for arthritis patients, repairs the body and boosts the immune system.
Groundnut oil-Groundnut oil can boost energy, contains Omega 3 fatty acids, lowers the risk of heart diseases and fights against cancer.
Mustard oil-Mustard oil when consumed in moderation or sparingly improves digestion and builds a good appetite. Mustard oil also fights germs and virus, great to prevent cold, coughs and skin problems.
Sesame Oil-Sesame oil is effective for diabetics and lowers blood pressure. Sesame oil improves oral hygiene and dental health. It prevents atherosclerosis, cancer and fights depression.
Edible Almond oil-Almond oil for cooking prevents heart diseases and cancer.It improves cholesterol and ease the stomach from irritable bowel syndrome.
Coconut oil-Coconut oil is known to fight bacteria, build immunity and increase metabolism. It contains healthy saturated fats.
Soybean oil-Soybean oil is high in poly- and monounsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. It also contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Flaxseed oil-Flaxseed oil is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil is beneficial for Crohn's Disease and colitis.
Cashew oil-Cashew makes a great snack, especially with alcohol. It makes a great ingredient for sweets and baking too. It improves eye health and reduces cholesterol.
Canola oil-Canola oil is heart friendly oil which reduces blood pressure, inflammation, and cholesterol. It is great for baking, grilling andsauté.
Ghee-Ghee is a better option than butter. It is great for digestion, progresses the functioning of the brain and helps in weight loss.