Lose 10kg Weight Without Going To Gym

Himanshi Jain

We know you are fed up of your tummy peeping out of your favorite clothes and making you feel less confident about your looks. So if you are pondering how to lose weight without going to gym, then, we are here to help you remind your fitness vows. Have a look at our sure-shot ways to reduce 10 kg without gym. Yes, 10 kg, we said it as we know it is possible.


Let us first do some simple mathematics. We know you hate it but knowing the math behind weight gain will help you in making the perfect weight loss strategy. Well! Do you know losing weight is a mind game? It really is. All you need to do is to conquer the weight gaining factors with the weight losing ones. Now, if you are convinced enough to do the simple math, check this.

To lose 10 kg in 5 months, you will need to lose 2 kg in a month

This makes weekly requirement of weight loss as 0.5 kg

In order to lose 0.5 kg per week, you need to cut 0.5 kg of fat from your weekly diet.

0.5 kg of fat equals 3850 calories.

 Hence, if you create a deficit of 3850 calories in your weekly diet for 20 weeks, you are going to lose exactly 10 kg in 5 months.


 Now look at following helpful tips to lose 10 kg without going to gym.


 v Start Counting Calories

Create a calorie deficit in your weekly diet as explained above. For calculation of calories, you can check your daily calorie count from so many calorie calculators available online.


v Note What You Eat

Start making our food log. Whatever you put into your mouth should be mentioned on your dairy with resulting calories intake. It will help you in learning calorie count of your routine diet so that you can cut-off the ones that are unnecessary and also include too much of calories.


v Give Enough Nutrients To Your Body

To lose fat doesn’t mean that your body should crave for necessary energy for your daily life. So calculate your daily micro and macro nutrient requirements and fulfill that by taking low fat foods.


v Know your BMR

Basal Metabolic Rate reflects the energy that our body requires to keep it going if hypothetically we are on bed rest the whole day. Changing BMR overnight is not possible but knowing your BMR will help you in attainment of your weight loss goals easily.


v A Diet Plan 

Make your own diet plan. Don’t copy the plan that worked for someone on the internet or daughter of your aunt’s cousin. Write what you like to eat and choose healthier food with low carbohydrates. Have alternate diet plan so that you can shift to other when you are bored with first.


v A Big “No” to Junk Food and Added Sugar Intake

Say goodbye to Junk food like burgers and pizzas. In addition, decrease your sugar intake. Eating a high amount of added sugar not only aids weight gain but also leads to diseases like heart problems and diabetes. So better beware. 


v Reduction in Salt Intake

 We don’t want to make your food tasteless with no sugar or salt. But as Shilpa Shetty says on a commercial, “Namak km he khaye pr acha khaye”, we do agree to her. Fat component in the oily foods attaches itself to the salt component and this leads to accumulation of fat in human body. But if we eat a low salt food, fat gets flushed out with water. This, in turn, helps in weight reduction. So, think before adding salt generously to your food.


v Drink Lots of Water

 Drinking water aids in reducing weight. The fact is quite true as it helps in flushing out your body’s toxins and fats through sweat and urine. Hence, whenever you want to reduce weight, take an oath to drink at least 2-3 litres of water everyday.


 v Reward yourself with Cheat Meal

 Indulge in a cheat meal once in two weeks when you can eat anything without worrying about weight gain. But don’t forget to do the morning walk next morning as it is extremely important to burn your cheat meal fat the very next day otherwise it will badly affect your weight loss target.


v A Walk To Remember

 Start a morning or evening walk to increase the body metabolism. Always remember that a high metabolism makes your body to quickly digest the food. This, in turn, reduces fat accumulation in your body.


v The Famous 80/20 Rule

How could we forget Pareto in weight loss? His 80/20 rule applies even to your weight loss plan. It says weight loss is a result of 80% of your diet and 20% of your workout routine. So focus more on what’s cooking in your kitchen and get remaining output with your daily walk routine as we discussed before.


v Set Mini Goals

Set short and attainable weight loss goals like concentrate on only 0.5 kg per week rather than worrying about next 19 weeks. Achieving weekly target one by one will boost your will and determination to stick to the plan.

v Take the First Step 

Last but not the least, don’t get afraid of how and when of weight loss strategy. Just take your first step towards weight loss with a determination that you can. Gradually, you will become used to a healthy lifestyle and losing weight will not be that difficult as you think.

Source: Pharmacyonnet