5 Effective Ways To Lose Face Fat

Sucharitha V , 09 Dec 22

Do you want those high cheekbones and chiselled jawline? Are you looking for ways to get rid of face fat? Look no further, as we bring 5 most effective ways to get rid of facial fat. Check out our guide to find out the best exercises to reduce belly fat.


1. Mouthwash Technique

This is a simple exercise you can do almost anywhere. It will help you tone your cheeks and get rid of any fine lines around your mouth.

How to: Fill your mouth with air and transfer the air from one end to another.

Frequency: Do this 10 times a day to see the results.


2. Facial Massage

Now you can relax and lose fat at the same time! Facial massage is going to help you get sculpted cheekbones and lose any fluid build-up in your face.

How to: Use olive oil, wheat germ oil or jojoba oil to massage your face. Start from your neck and work your way up, move your hand in the upward direction to prevent sagging of your skin. In the end tap your face lightly with your fingers to promote blood circulation.

Frequency: Do this twice every week to tone your facial muscles.


3. Chewing gum

Exercise those facial muscles by simply chewing a sugar free gum! Do this for 20 minutes every day to tone your facial muscles.


4. Smile!

Yes! It’s that simple! If you want to get those beautiful high cheekbones, then smile!

How to: All you need to do is, smile as wide as you can without opening your mouth and hold it for 10 seconds, this will stretch your cheek muscles.

Frequency: Do this 5 times a day to see the results.


5. Diet

Just like any other part of your body, you need to watch what you eat if you want to lose that facial fat. Stay away from high sodium food, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Include low-fat dairy, proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.

In addition to that, keep yourself hydrated so that toxins can be flushed out from your body.


What are you waiting for? Try out these methods and see the results!




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