What Is Mayo Clinic Diet For Weight Loss? Pros, Cons, Diet Plan, Foods Item List

Smriti Ahuja

The Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight management program developed by a group of experts in weight loss at the Mayo Clinic, aimed at long-term weight management. It is not clear how the name "Mayo Clinic fad diet" became associated with the grapefruit-based diet. According to the Mayo Clinic's website, the diet was originally known as the Hollywood diet in the 1930s, and it involved consuming grapefruit with every meal and limited calorie intake to less than 800 calories per day for three weeks. The Mayo Clinic Diet has since been updated to encourage healthy lifestyle changes, with a focus on adopting healthy habits and breaking unhealthy ones to achieve and maintain a healthy weight for life.

Why to Choose the Mayo Clinic Diet?

The Mayo Clinic Diet aims to aid in shedding unwanted pounds and establishing a sustainable healthy eating routine. It concentrates on adjusting daily habits by introducing new ones and discontinuing detrimental ones that can influence weight. Basic habits such as consuming ample fruits and vegetables, avoiding eating while watching TV, and exercising for 30 minutes each day can assist in shedding pounds. The diet employs current behavior modification science to help you discover your internal drive to lose weight, establish practical goals, and learn how to tackle obstacles.




Below are some reasons why you might consider opting for the Mayo Clinic Diet:

- It is a plan created by healthcare professionals.
- It is a flexible diet that can be tailored to your dietary preferences.
- You can consume unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables on this diet.
- You can access professional advice on how to replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones.
- You can enhance your well-being, reduce health risks, and feel better overall.
- It is a long-term program that promotes healthy habits, as opposed to a temporary solution or a fad diet.


How does the Mayo Clinic Diet plan work?

The program focuses on eating delicious and healthy foods and increasing exercise. It emphasizes that the best way to lose weight permanently is to change your lifestyle and adopt new habits that you enjoy and can stick to. This program can be tailored to your  individual needs, health history and desired eating style.


The Mayo Clinic Diet is divided into two stages:

The Lose It! phase of the Mayo Clinic Diet lasts for two weeks and is designed to help you lose weight in a healthy and safe way. During this phase, you focus on making lifestyle changes that are related to your weight. You learn how to adopt five good habits, eliminate five bad habits, and add five more beneficial habits. This phase can give you a psychological boost and help you develop important habits that you will carry into the next stage of the diet.

The Live It! phase is a lifelong commitment to wellness. You gain more knowledge about menu planning, food choices, portion sizes, physical activity, exercise, and maintaining healthy behaviors throughout this phase. You can continue to lose 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) per week until you reach your target weight. You can also maintain your ideal weight permanently during this time.

The Mayo Clinic Diet offers electronic tools, such as a weight tracker and a food and exercise journal, to help you stay on track with your weight loss journey. It also teaches you how to estimate portion sizes and plan meals, making healthy eating easy. You do not have to count calories precisely, but you will eat tasty foods that will satisfy you and help you lose weight.



The Mayo Clinic's Healthy Weight Pyramid is a tool developed by Mayo Clinic experts to assist you in choosing foods that are both filling and low in calories. The food groups in the pyramid prioritize choices that are good for your health. The pyramid recommends consuming vegetables and fruits in practically unlimited quantities because of their beneficial effects on both weight and health.

The main message is simple: focus on consuming primarily from the food groups at the bottom of the pyramid and less from those at the top.

The program recommends getting more exercise than the recommended minimum of 30 minutes per day for additional health benefits and weight loss. It offers a workout schedule that includes simple walking and resistance exercises to help you lose fat and improve your mental health. It also emphasizes the importance of staying active throughout the day, such as by taking the stairs instead of the elevator.


What are the Pro’s and Cons of the Mayo Clinic Diet?

These are a few pros of the diet:

1. Offers nutrient-rich foods: The food pyramid for the New Mayo Clinic Diet incorporates sound nutritional guidelines and advice for structuring your diet around nourishing, energising foods. Whether or whether your aim is weight management, the restriction on sweets and highly processed foods supports a healthy diet.

2. Consists of an exercise component: The programme calls for 30 minutes of activity each day. It is put at the bottom of the tier system to emphasise the significance of wellbeing and exercise for your weight loss objectives. It also teaches you how to create new routines and objectives.

3. Supports long-term success: The New Mayo Clinic Diet is meant to completely change your lifestyle and replace unhealthy behaviours with healthy ones that will last over time. Hence, you can accomplish realistic weight management goals as opposed to yo-yo dieting.

Some of the Cons of the Mayo Diet are:

1. The Lose It phase, which involves giving up processed sugar, alcohol, and even dining out, may at first seem restricting. The Mayo Clinic Diet has no well-known dangers, but some people could find it challenging to achieve all of their dietary needs during the program's rigorous weight-loss phase.


2. It may take some time to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and stay away from refined or processed foods. Overall, you'll embrace new techniques for meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking.


3. Needs a low-calorie intake: While the suggested 1,200–1,400 calories (if you weigh 250 pounds or fewer) may be plenty for some, this figure may be too low if you lead an especially active lifestyle or, for example, are tall and need more calories. You must make sure you are giving your body enough nourishment for both daily energy needs and workout. If not, you might discover that the diet is inefficient for long-term weight maintenance.




Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. What does the Mayo Clinic Diet consist of?

The Mayo Clinic Diet offers five distinct eating options at various calorie levels. There are many dishes and dinners that won't leave you hungry, whether you want to follow the Mayo Clinic Diet meal plan, are vegetarian, or prefer the Mediterranean eating style.

Overnight oats with berries and a pear for breakfast

Tuscan white bean soup for lunch with drizzled pesto

Supper will be roast chicken on a sheet pan with broccoli, onions, and tomatoes.

Snack: a banana and a cup of thinly sliced bell peppers.


2.  Is the Mayo Clinic Diet similar to DASH diet?

The DASH diet, or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, which aims to lower or control high blood pressure, is similar to the Mayo Clinic diet. Combining the Mediterranean and DASH diets, the MIND diet aims to support brain health. A vegetarian diet that includes some meat is known as a flexitarian diet.


3. Is the Mayo Clinic Diet online free?

You don't need any assistance to follow the Mayo Clinic Diet; all you need to do is read the book. Although the Mayo Clinic website offers some tools and tips for weight loss that are free, you must pay $65 for the first 13 weeks of access in order to take full advantage of the online support services.


4.  What is the 3 day diet to lose 10 pounds?

The military diet, also known as the 3-day diet, is a quick weight loss plan that promises to help you lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in a week. A 3-day calorie-restricted eating plan is followed by 4 days off as part of the diet.

5.  What are the results of the Mayo Clinic Diet?

The initial two-week phase of the Mayo Clinic Diet is intended to help you lose up to 6 to 10 pounds (2.7 to 4.5 kg).

When you reach your target weight, you enter the second phase and continue to drop 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogramme) every week. You can then sustain your ideal weight for the rest of your life by continuing the lifelong habits you have learnt.

6. Are there any risks of the Mayo Clinic Diet?

For most adults, the Mayo Clinic Diet is generally safe. It does advocate consuming an endless supply of fruits and veggies.

Consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables is generally recommended since they give your body essential nutrients and fibre. But, if you aren't used to eating fibre, you can experience brief, modest alterations in digestion as your body gets used to this new method of eating, such as intestinal gas.

7. Is the Mayo Clinic Diet a healthy choice?

The New Mayo Clinic Diet follows many of the official dietary recommendations outlined in the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It is comparable to other wholesome eating patterns that promote lifelong eating methods. As a result, the diet promotes a diversity of nutrient-dense foods without limiting the kind of foods that are consumed.

8. What are the prices associated with mayo diet plan?


12-month strategy. $4.61 a week or $19.99 per month.

6-month strategy. $6.92 each week or $29.99 per month.

3-month strategy. $9.23 per week or $39.99 per month.

Monthly schedule. $11.54 per week or $49.99 per month.


Reviews of the Mayo Clinic Diet –

The Mayo Clinic Diet is ranked as follows: #6 in the category of best overall diets;

#4 in the category of best plant-based diets;

#7 in the category of best fast weight-loss diets;

#7 in the category of best diets for bone and joint health;

 #6 in the category of best family-friendly diets;

#3 in the category of best diets for weight loss;

#7 in the category of best diets for heart health;

 #6 in the category of best diabetes diets