Acne Vulgaris: Types, Causes, Prevention And Treatment Guidelines

Maheroo Butt , 14 Sep 22

Worried about acne which are not disappearing? You need to be careful as acne can also leave scars which can affect your beautiful face.

Most importantly, not all acne are similar. Acne vulgaris is a specific type of acne which if not controlled can create issues later on.

If you want to know what is acne vulgaris , its causes, preventions and treatment options, then do read on!



What Is Acne Vulgaris?

Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease which causes the blockage and inflammation of the pilosebaceous units and their supporting sebaceous glands.

Acne vulgaris prone areas are mainly face, chest and back.

Even though acne vary according to the skin type, lifestyle and even diet of different individuals, the basic kind will normally include the following.

- Whiteheads: The invisible kind of small dirt and excess oil collectives that fill up the small pore. They usually remain beneath the skin and are considerably small in size.

- Blackheads: A rather stubborn kind of acne that appear visibly on the surface of the skin. They are black in colour and are comparatively difficult to get rid of very easily.

- Papules: These are the tiny reddish and pink bumps on the surface of the skin, which are usually visible and can lead to causing blemishing on the face.

- Pustules: The visible pimples on the surface of the skin, that are usually painful. They are red on the base and have pus-filled at the top. People with oily skin are more prone to this kind.



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Acne Vulgaris Causes

Though there are numerous acne vulgaris causes, the main one is the blockage of follicles.

Here is how it occurs.

The human skin is made of different layers and the inner surface has pores in it, which is ultimately connected to the oil glands beneath the skin.

The follicles are responsible for connecting the glands to the pores. These glands produce the oil call sebum, which carries dead skin cells to the surface of the skin through follicles.

Pimples tend to grow when these follicles get blocked or jammed and the oil starts to build up under the skin.

This natural process of the body is the major cause of acne vulgaris. However, there are other acne vulgaris causes like the following:-

1. Hormonal factors

The proper functioning of the hormones keeps the skin healthy, however, the main cause of acne is the rise in the androgen levels of the body.

The androgen hormones tend to increase during the stage of adolescence and ultimately gets converted to estrogen in women. The rise in the levels of these hormones causes oil glands to grow under the skin.

This produces more sebum which allows the bacteria to grow and trigger acne.

This is of the leading acne vulgaris causes.

2. Excessive cosmetics

Not all cosmetic product suit every skin type.

Unless you are using pure natural and organic products on your skin, every makeup product which has chemicals can potentially harm your skin.

Certain kinds of makeup products are extra greasy and oil-based that clog the skin pores. Once clogged, there is no space for excess oil to get out which in turn leads to acne.

3. Stress

High amount of stress adds to the growing list of acne vulgaris causes.

As much as the physical health is important in keeping up the skin quality, your physical health plays a major role in keeping the skin clear and glowing. Triggers like emotional stress, anxiety, depression and anger issues can really affect the functioning of the body and will directly reflect on your skin, causing it to break out.

4. Medication

Many a times, certain body medication containing lithium and androgen for the various disease might not suit the normal functioning of the body and can affect the skin, making it more prone to acne vulgaris condition.

5. Diet

An improper diet can make the acne worse off. The carbohydrate-rich food, dairy products, spicy and oily food, excessive chocolates can cause breakouts very often.



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Acne Vulgaris Symptoms

There are numerous acne vulgaris symptoms that you will need to keep an eye on. Remember that if you detect it early and control it, then you chances of it becoming severe would be lesser.

Here are the key acne vulgaris symptoms that you should know.

1. Increased Breakouts

The most common kind of acne starts with whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, cysts and more.

When your skin starts breaking out intensively and very regularly either because of hormonal changes, population, unhealthy diet or any reaction; it starts to show aggressively on your skin.

One needs to identify the early acne vulgaris symptoms to prevent the long term damage.

2. Scars and skin darkening

This tops the growing list of acne vulgaris symptoms. One is expected to see scars and skin becoming dark even when the acne subside.

3. Persistent Itching and pain

The redness, rough skin texture and the pus-filled pimples can cause itching and pain which can point to acne vulgaris.


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Acne Vulgaris Treatment

There are many methods available for acne vulgaris treatment and depending upon the skin type, it may vary from person to person.

Do note that most of the options available for acne vulgaris treatment and medication take at least 2 to 3 months and will be effective only if carried out regularly. Before starting any medication, always consult with your doctor.

Here are the most commion acne vulgaris treatment options:-

1. Topical Acne Vulgaris treatment

The topical products can be applied over the affected areas gently for the non-severe or milder case of acne.

The non-prescription products like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and glycolic acid are the peeling agents that open the pores and help the skin to get rid of the dead skin cells.

These products also have anti-bacterial properties and thus treats the acne bacteria, causing anti-inflammatory acne.

2. Oral Acne Vulgaris treatment

In some cases, taking a birth control pill can help regulate the hormone level, which causes the acne to build up.

However, it may not be suitable for everyone. For the intensive and serious inflammatory acne; anti-biotic pills can be given to control the bacterial reaction on the skin.

Some of these antibiotic medicines can also cause potential side effects and are not recommended by the dermatologists to women with blood pressures problems, pregnant women and also women with sensitive skin.

Any person, undergoing these medications should also take care of the risks and the preventive measures, given by the dermatologists.

Always consult your doctor first before starting the acne vulgaris treatment and medication plan.

3. Laser treatment and plastic surgery

If you are looking for acne vulgaris treatment for the long term, then you can opt for Laser treatment and plastic surgery. Do note this can have certain complications, so be extra careful before finalizing this treatment option.

If performed successfully alongwith the correct preventive measures, this surely can be the long term solution. This treatment also works for other acne forms like cystic acne.


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Acne Vulgaris Preventive Measures

To ensure acne vulgaris doesn’t get worse, certain basic guidelines need to be followed.

1. Wash your face on twice a day with warm water and very mild soap, made especially for acne.

2. Always dry pat your face after washing with a clean towel.

3. Do not rub, scratch or burst the pimples as it may spread the infection.

4. Avoid using the oil based makeup products and always remove your make up before sleeping.

5. Maintain a healthy diet and drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrated.

6. Deep clean and exfoliate your skin once in a few weeks.

7. Prefer using natural and organic products for your daily skincare routine.

8. Make sure you wash your hands frequently and avoid touching the face constantly. Also, wash your hair at least twice a week as it also affects the facial skin.

9. If you have body acne, try wearing loose clothes and let your skin breathe.

10. Avoid excessive sun exposure


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Some people can have skin prone to acne vulgaris and thus in spite of being protective and preventive, the skin might still break down.

However, through right treatment and diet control, the acne conditions can be controlled to an extent.



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