How To Make Sure Your Waxing Lasts For A Long Time

Nikita Chakravorty

Updated At  09 Dec 22

As dreaded and painful the experience is, none of us can really keep on procrastinating the monthly visit to a parlor to get rid of the unwanted body hair. But isn’t it really disappointing that about 45 minutes of hair raising (literally) ritual goes to waste in about a week?

Fortunately for you, Team Fabbon has stumbled upon a few tips to make sure that your waxing lasts for a long time. You can also make homemade wax if you want to stay away from chemicals completely.


1. Let it grow

let hair growJANOON028 / FREEPIK

Be patient. Do not rush off to the parlor the moment you see the first signs of growth of your hair. It is best advisable to let the hair grow out as it minimizes the possibilities of hair breakage. Small hair reduces the chances of it being pulled out properly.


2. Save the shaving

avoid shavingNENSURIA / FREEPIK

As appealing as it might sound, especially before a date, avoid shaving between the periods of your last waxing session and the next one. Shaving leads to hair growth in random directions and makes it difficult to get rid of during waxing. They lurk around the corners and makes your waxing fruitless but not totally hairless.


3. Exfoliate before waxing


Exfoliating your skin before the waxing session is a sure shot way to take full benefit of that costly parlour visit. Use a body scrub with a loofah to get rid of the dead skin cells so that your beautician can easily wax away the finer ingrowth hair.


4. Stick to the date

stick to dateMAKYZZ / FREEPIK

Figure out a particular date to go for your waxing session, but only after a proper hair growth. Waxing at regular and proper intervals, eventually lessens the continuous cropping up of unwanted body hair and will also make your waxing last longer. Also ensure that you see a professional since she is more likely to know how to apply the wax and remove the hair effectively after checking your skin type.


5. Make the skin wet

make skin wetNENSURIA / FREEPIK

Post your waxing session remember to apply proper body lotion to keep the moisture intact on your skin. In case you have sensitive skin that becomes red, opt for aloe vera gel as it calms the irritated section.

You might also like to read Waxing or Shaving – Which one is Better and 6 Waxings Tricks you need to know.



So prep up for your next waxing session and make sure you keep these tips in mind.