what is rhinoplasty

What Is Rhinoplasty - Side Effects, Risks, Recovery, And Cost

Shalu Bhati

Updated At  11 Jul 24


Do you want to get nose plastic surgery? Want to know more about nose job but have no idea how to go about it? Don’t worry. We have got you.

Rhinoplasty or nose job is the most coveted cosmetic surgery all over the world. And why won’t it be? A nose is right at the center of the face and plays a major role in defining your appearance.

If you have found yourself wondering about getting the rhinoplasty surgery lately, then you should keep reading our guide on rhinoplasty. It covers all the important details which you might require to know before getting this procedure done.

We specifically cover the following:

  • What Is Rhinoplasty
  • Who Can Get The Rhinoplasty Surgery
  • Pros And Cons Of This Procedure
  • Rhinoplasty Side Effects
  • Rhinoplasty Risks
  • Rhinoplasty Cost
  • Precautions To Be Taken For The Procedure
  • FAQs Related To Rhinoplasty

Let’s begin then!




What Is Rhinoplasty?


Rhinoplasty is simply a plastic surgery for the nose. In common parlance, rhinoplasty surgery is also known as a nose job. This procedure is done to enhance the appearance of the nose as well as to repair, reconstruct, correct, and change the structure of the nose.


The nose comprises bone, cartilage, and skin. And the rhinoplasty surgery makes changes either in all three of them or just one depending upon the individual’s requirements.

A nose job has many takers from celebrities to common people. Everybody loves a good looking beautiful nose and rhinoplasty happens to be the answer to their prayers. What nature didn’t give can be achieved with the help of a surgeon.



Why Is Rhinoplasty Done?

Rhinoplasty or a nose job is not your regular plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty is done for both cosmetic as well as medical reasons. If you encounter breathing problems, or have a deviated septum, or have any birth defect or have any injury due to an accident, then you have medical reasons for getting nose surgery. However, if you simply dislike the length, width, shape, or size of your nose, then you have cosmetic reasons.

Whether your reason is cosmetic or medical, in the end, what matters is your satisfaction.


How Is Rhinoplasty Done?

Rhinoplasty is not a simple procedure. It comes with its share of complexities. As told by experts, just like fingerprints, no two noses are alike. Therefore, with so many different noses in existence, it would be difficult to set up a definite number of steps for performing a nose plastic surgery.

Let’s find out what all it takes to perform a rhinoplasty—the preparation and the procedure.




  • The preparation for a rhinoplasty surgery begins with you. The first major step is to find a good surgeon. It is the matter of your nose. A wrong surgeon with his poor skills can land you on the botched plastic surgery list. You surely won’t want that.

So do your research, look for reviews, ask friends and family, look into the surgeon’s background, experience as well as his patients.

  • Finding the right surgeon is half work done. The next step after having finalized your surgeon would be to have an open conversation with him where you would be required to discuss your ideas, goals, and expectations from the surgery. You would also be asked about things like your medical history, whether you have issues with nose bleeding, what motivated you to go for a nose plastic surgery among others.

This conversation with your surgeon would determine if you are a candidate for rhinoplasty or not. Once this is decided, then only can you move on.

  • If you want to undergo rhinoplasty surgery for cosmetic purposes alone, then it is common practice with many good surgical facilities to arrange a session with a clinical psychologist to determine your candidacy for this procedure
  • Once it is established that you are a fit candidate, you would be required to undertake a physical exam which will include testing of blood and face examination
  • Photographs would be taken from multiple angles and they would be used to determine the rhinoplasty before and after results
  • Rhinoplasty is not an easy procedure either for the candidate or for the surgeon. This is why a long and healthy discussion takes place before proceeding any further




  • Since no two noses are the same, the steps performed for two different rhinoplasty surgeries cannot be the same either. There are hundreds of possible steps as each nose is unique and each candidate has his/her unique expectations and requirements.
  • Rhinoplasty is an invasive and complex procedure. It is performed under general anesthesia and takes anywhere from an hour to three hours to complete.
  • You know by now that rhinoplasty surgery is done to alter the appearance of the nose. Following are some of the ways by which the appearance of the nose can be altered:

A. Length: The length of the nose can be reduced as well as enhanced. Some of the cartilage or bone is removed to reduce the length. It is called nose reduction. On the other hand, for nose augmentation, cartilage from ears or bone from the skull, hips, or elbows are used to build up the extra length.

B. Width: Same goes for changing the width of the nose. For reducing the width of a nose, the nasal bone which is present towards the side is broken and removed while the rest of the skin and cartilage are brought closer together.

C. Angle: The angle between the nose and the top lip can be altered too.


The above-mentioned changes in the appearance of the nose can be made through two approaches. In the first approach, an incision would be made between your nostrils from the outside. This is called an open rhinoplasty surgery. Another method is by making an incision inside the nostrils. This approach is known as closed rhinoplasty. This nose surgery doesn’t leave behind scars whereas the former does.



Who Can Get Rhinoplasty Surgery Done?

You can opt for rhinoplasty if you have the following medical concerns:

  • Birth defect of the nose
  • Deviated septum
  • Injury to nose in an accident
  • Breathing troubles

Apart from this, you can also undergo rhinoplasty surgery if you are not satisfied with the appearance of your nose. You can seek to alter the following:

  • Length or width of nose
  • Tip of nose
  • Bridge of nose
  • Width of nostrils
  • Angle between the nose and top lip



Rhinoplasty And Celebrities

Many celebrities have had a nose job for both medical as well as cosmetic reasons. However, not all of them are open about it.

Here are some of the most famous ones with their nose job before and after profiles:



  • Tyra Banks

Tyra has been open about her nose job. She has revealed that she had undergone rhinoplasty very early in her career.



  • Jennifer Aniston

The former Friends star had a nose plastic surgery to treat her deviated septum. The surgery however brought only subtle changes in her appearance.



  • Blake Lively

Blake Lively is one of the celebrities who refuse to say anything about her nose job. Something has changed about her nose as can be seen from her rhinoplasty before and after pictures. But like Aniston, she has managed to look natural.



  • Ashley Tisdale

Ashley went for rhinoplasty due to her deviated septum which caused serious breathing troubles for the former Disney star.



  • Dianna Argon

Just like her character from Glee, Dianna Argon too underwent rhinoplasty. But she did it after her nose was accidentally punched and injured.



  • Halle Berry

Halle Berry is another celeb that refuses to comment on their nose job. You be the judge though.



  • Angelina Jolie

Angelina is one of the most beautiful women in the world. Apart from her luscious lips and chiseled jawline, her nose has its share of speculations going on.



What To Expect After Rhinoplasty?

  • After the surgery is completed, you would be asked to stay overnight for observation. If you wish, you can leave after the surgery as well
  • Your nose will be draped with bandages and splints are attached to it for support. The base of your nose would be covered too to catch hold of any bleeding or other secretions. Your nose will feel sensitive, tender, and stuffy
  • Your bandages and splints will be removed after three days by your surgeon. And meanwhile, you would be given instructions on how to take care of your nose
  • Rhinoplasty surgery doesn’t give instant results. It is only after a year that the swelling completely subsides and the results are fully visible
  • It is also necessary for a candidate to not have unrealistic expectations from their surgery



What Is The Rhinoplasty Recovery Time?

The stitches, bandages, and splints are usually removed after three to seven days of rhinoplasty after which the healing starts. You would have to take at least two weeks off from work and any other activities and stick to taking care of your nose.

The swelling starts going down within the first two weeks and goes down significantly in the next 6 months. The bruises and redness start to fade three weeks after the procedure.

You are supposed to take gentle care of your nose and follow the aftercare instructions strictly for at least 6 weeks after the procedure.


Cost Of Rhinoplasty

The rhinoplasty cost mainly depends on the fees taken by the surgeon, fees taken by the facility, and the cost of anesthesia. This means the complexity of the procedure, the skills of the surgeon, his qualification and experience, type of facility, location of the facility are the factors that influence the rhinoplasty cost.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a nose job is $5,350. Rhinoplasty is usually not covered by insurance but sometimes they do and that would depend on the type of the policy you have.



Precautions To Be Taken—Before And After

Certain precautions and measures are supposed to be taken before and after the rhinoplasty surgery. Let’s find out what they are.


  • Choose your surgeon carefully
  • Stop smoking at least a week before the procedure
  • You will be asked to stop the intake of medicines which include aspirin or ibuprofen 2 weeks before the procedure


  • Stop smoking as it would increase the risk of infection
  • You are supposed to rest in bed with your head elevated till your stitches and splints are removed
  • Keep nose away from moisture till stitches and bandages are removed to prevent infection
  • Avoid hot baths
  • Do not blow your nose for at least two weeks after the procedure
  • Avoid dusty or smoky places
  • Do not perform any strenuous physical exercises
  • Avoid any extreme facial expressions
  • Brush your teeth gently
  • Don’t pull clothes above your head. Best would be if you wear clothes that open in the front
  • Avoid resting glasses on the nose for up to 4 weeks
  • Do not pick on scabs
  • Wash face only with a gentle face wash. Avoid the ones with exfoliating agents




Is Rhinoplasty Worth It— Its Pros, Cons, And Side Effects

After having found out what is rhinoplasty, why is it done, and how is it performed, let’s find out if this procedure is worth going through. Let’s talk about the rhinoplasty pros, cons, rhinoplasty risks, and rhinoplasty side effects.

Pros Of Rhinoplasty

  • Balances facial features
  • Improves self-esteem and confidence
  • Makes it easier to breathe in certain cases
  • Treats structural defects
  • Corrects birth defects
  • Repairs damage and injury to nose caused in accidents
  • Also helps with sinus infections


Cons Of Rhinoplasty

  • Causes minor discomfort
  • Invasive procedure
  • Takes time to show complete results
  • Long recovery time
  • Long list of precautions
  • Not predictable as bone and cartilage often change shape
  • Second surgery is also needed in some cases



Rhinoplasty Side Effects

Side effects of rhinoplasty surgery include:

  • Blocked nose
  • Numbness
  • Soreness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Light nose bleeds


Rhinoplasty Risks

The following are some of the risks involved in rhinoplasty:

  • Permanent breathing difficulty
  • Damage to cartilage or bone
  • Infection
  • Skin discoloration
  • Nasal septum perforation
  • Unsatisfactory appearance
  • Change in skin sensation
  • Risks that come with anesthesia




Frequently Asked Questions



Q. Is rhinoplasty worth it?

Worth it or not, it depends on an individual candidate and his/her perception. We can only inform you about the procedure but in the end, the decision has to be yours.


Q. Is rhinoplasty safe?

Rhinoplasty is a safe procedure and comes with risks that are similar to any other surgical procedure.


Q. Is nose plastic surgery painful?

You are given general anesthesia during the procedure. After the surgery, you will feel mild pain for a couple of days for which your surgeon will prescribe medications.


Q. What are the main rhinoplasty side effects?

The main rhinoplasty side effects include blocked nose, numbness, redness, swelling, and bruising which affect the nose and areas around it reaching up to the eyes.


Q. Can I get nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty?

Yes, nose tip swelling is a common occurrence after rhinoplasty.


Q. How much is the rhinoplasty recovery time?

The nose starts recovering after two weeks and takes an entire year to fully recover and show results of the rhinoplasty procedure.


Q. How much does a nose surgery cost in the US and UK?

In the US a nose surgery will cost you anywhere between $3000 and $15,000. You are advised to refer your insurance policy first as some of them cover the cost of nose surgery. In the UK, NHS covers this procedure if done for medical reasons while for cosmetic reasons you would have to go to private clinics where it will cost you anywhere between £4,500 and £7,000.


Q. What is the recovery time for nose tip swelling after rhinoplasty?

The nose tip swelling starts reducing after two weeks of the procedure. It can take up to 6 weeks to fade away significantly.


Q. What is the open rhinoplasty scar healing time?

The open rhinoplasty scar takes anywhere between three to six months to heal and fade away.


Q. When can I blow my nose after rhinoplasty?

Usually, you would be allowed to blow your nose after two weeks of the procedure. Rest depends upon the instructions of your surgeon.


Q. When can I go for a facial after rhinoplasty?

It depends on how much time your nose takes to heal after the procedure. Generally, you can go for a facial after rhinoplasty after 4 weeks. However, if your nose still feels tender, you should wait for another two weeks before going for a facial of your choice.


Q. Is it possible that rhinoplasty can ruin your life?

Rhinoplasty is a complex and challenging procedure. Like any other surgery, there is a risk of this procedure going wrong. To minimize those risks you are suggested to take the necessary precautions, the most important of which is to choose the right surgeon. Because whether rhinoplasty will ruin your life or not depends on your surgeon.




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